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Closed Minds to Some

There are instances nowadays where and when peopledon’t communicate well. A big reason why is becausetoo many people today are looking out for number one.As a result, the approach in how they talk to peopleinclude such things as; filibusters, answering nonexistent questions, twisting comments they hear,relying on second-hand information, using clichés andoverused statements as an escape from responsibilityof their points.Speaking and listening should have a balance, and thisincludes reading and writing. Writing is speaking andreading is listening. When posting in social media oranywhere else, it is important to follow this premise:“READ, READ, READ. Then THINK, THINK, THINK,before you WRITE, WRITE, WRITE”. This would beadvisable regardless of what platform used.Honesty has become an overlooked benefit, and forthat reason it is often hard to know who is telling thetruth. This has resulted in people disguising the truthwith opinion, or vice-versa.Closed-minded individuals should consider that whenthey close themselves off to someone else, they aremissing out of something they… Read More »Closed Minds to Some

COVID – We Weren’t Ready

Knowing that COVID is a manmade virus thathas spread quickly, it has done more social damage in theUS than any other place in the world. We wouldn’t bein this mess if only three things were to be:A) We were more prepared for pandemics.B) We did not emphasize on global economicswith other countries so much in practices such asoutsourcing, excessive international travel,interactive business, etc.C) We had a more organized system for healthcare as so we could identify, test and equip doctors,nurses and other health care workers with what theyneed to care for us.There are several obstacles in addressing the COVID19 pandemic. we need to look into all possibilities. Toomany media reports are using their political views toget people to criticize any effective medical efforts, whenit’s medicine that will save us. We would be so muchbetter off if our congress and mainstream media hadtheir drama take a back seat to this health issue.Let the doctors and medical… Read More »COVID – We Weren’t Ready

Bullshitted in a Relationship

While it is not my practice to do so, I have come uponmany relationships, including ones my friends are in,who feel that they are so concerned with making thingswork to their advantage, even when they don’t need to.For those of you who get bullshitted in a relationship,here are some “terms” to keep up with:“Benching” – taking out certain people of the running ofinterests of dating.“Bread-crumbing” – leading on someone.“Bookmarking” – Selfishly continue to have someonebelieve that you love them so that you always feel likesomeone loves you, even if you don’t love them.“Ghosting” – Mysteriously disappearing on purpose.” Catfish” – Posting false iD and telling someone thatyou’re something you’re not.“Debarring” – pretending to do a favor to win browniepoints.“Extra Burner” – place you put someone you want touse as your contingency plan.“Creeping” – snooping or stalking.“Bombing” – coming on too strong for shallow reasons.“Cutting season” – time period where people gather togain warmth.“Slow fade” –… Read More »Bullshitted in a Relationship

Big Social Media Think They are Smart

I find it amazing of how many people complain about so many social issues, issues that are completely preventable. So many people rely on computer technology to do their thinking for them. While technology has made our lives better some ways, it has made our lives worse in other ways, simply because of the dependence on it for convenience purposes. This may sound old-school, but it’s actually true. Computers were originally meant and developed to be as aids to humans, not to take over all our purposes. Let’s take phone communication is no exception, having been compromised by the overuse of popular features that are, in-essence, garbage to everyday life to the common people. Speed-dialing is used so much that people don’t think to dial phone numbers anymore. As a result, most people no longer remember phone numbers.  Phone systems have set up so much automation that now people sometimes don’t know how to reach… Read More »Big Social Media Think They are Smart

Abuse of Technology

I find it amazing of how many people complain about so many social issues, issues that are completely preventable. So many people rely on computer technology to do their thinking for them. While technology has made our lives better some ways, it has made our lives worse in other ways, simply because of the dependence on it for convenience purposes. This may sound old-school, but it’s actually true. Computers were originally meant and developed to be as aids to humans, not to take over all our purposes. Let’s take phone communication is no exception, having been compromised by the overuse of popular features that are, in-essence, garbage to everyday life to the common people. Speed-dialing is used so much that people don’t think to dial phone numbers anymore. As a result, most people no longer remember phone numbers.  Phone systems have set up so much automation that now people sometimes don’t know how to reach… Read More »Abuse of Technology

Artificial Evolution

I used to have lots of friends and good relationships with most of my mother’s family and a few in my father’s family (although most of my father’s family were not very nice). As time went on, some things had changed. Most of my mother’s family (with the exception of her parents) had righteously disowned both my older brother and I for fraternizing with my father’s family, and not because my parents were divorced. The horrific behavior and dreadful conduct of many of my father’s family demonstrated why. Later on, thyroid surgery that I had undertaken in 2002 had, for the most part, costed me my long-time brilliant social life, being that the surgery had altered my appearance. This caused my friends and others to have various speculations of what type of person I had become. But personality wise, I had been the same person on the inside all throughout my life, even though nobody… Read More »Artificial Evolution

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