Closed Minds to Some
There are instances nowadays where and when peopledon’t communicate well. A big reason why is becausetoo many people today are looking out for number one.As a result, the approach in how they talk to peopleinclude such things as; filibusters, answering nonexistent questions, twisting comments they hear,relying on second-hand information, using clichés andoverused statements as an escape from responsibilityof their points.Speaking and listening should have a balance, and thisincludes reading and writing. Writing is speaking andreading is listening. When posting in social media oranywhere else, it is important to follow this premise:“READ, READ, READ. Then THINK, THINK, THINK,before you WRITE, WRITE, WRITE”. This would beadvisable regardless of what platform used.Honesty has become an overlooked benefit, and forthat reason it is often hard to know who is telling thetruth. This has resulted in people disguising the truthwith opinion, or vice-versa.Closed-minded individuals should consider that whenthey close themselves off to someone else, they aremissing out of something they… Read More »Closed Minds to Some