Theft from Food Servers and Retailers
Theft from food servers has become a big thing. While it’s convenient to pay by card, it’s also convenient for food servers to accept cards for payment. Problem is, many food servers now download apps and run customers’ cards in their own cellphones, as opposed to running it in the restaurant’s system. Wireless is never a good idea for to taking payments. The thing to know is that restaurants should have their own letterhead on all receipts and customers should always be with any server when they use your card, or call a manager. Disgruntled food servers feel otherwise, with an opinion that they should be paid more, even if they have to “take matters into their own hands” This problem is very wide spread and restaurants need to be more to secure their systems so that customers pay them and not unknowingly pay the food server personally. I have had to contact my bank… Read More »Theft from Food Servers and Retailers
The Irony of Current Law-enforcement as I Experience it
The Irony of current policing is now well discussed as with this two-tier system we have. These pictures are taken in a major train station, with a gated waiting seating area, designated for ticked customers only and cops all over the station. On one hand, I’m banned from this waiting area despite being a ticketed traveler. Often, cops ask me to show them ID anywhere in the station. One the other hand, panhandlers and solicitors flood the station. I stand around, not allowed to sit down. Sometimes cops tell me to leave the station and come back when my train arrives. This despite solicitors and panhandlers begging, smoking, taking sponge baths in the men’s room, sleeping, etc. When progressive leftists first talk about “reimagining police”, many thought they were planning to get rid of police altogether and replace them with social workers. It turns out that they just wanted to replace good cops with bad… Read More »The Irony of Current Law-enforcement as I Experience it
Some Large Corporations Don’t Have Legitimate Reasons
Some corporations have valid reasons to close locations and some don’t. Everyone knows of the chain stores who’ve rightfully moved or close stores or branches due of profit loss from shoplifters and vandals despite some communities refusing to own up to fighting extreme crime. But there are corporations that closing operations in some municipalities for selfish reasons. Wells Fargo is one example, like some business operations, deciding to make changes just for pleasure. They’ve had a good situation for a long time, until they chose to make some changes just to cause others inconvenience. Executives opted on “tentative consolidation”, as told by their customer advocacy department. It hasn’t-t gone well. My local branch (a very busy branch) and both ATMs (automatic teller machines) closed down, despite my town being a good area. The nearest two branches were both 2½ and 3 miles away. Their ATMs of them anywhere in town, now all taking out. So,… Read More »Some Large Corporations Don’t Have Legitimate Reasons
The Origin of the Word “Political Correctness”
The Definition is found in 4 telegrams at the Truman Library and Museum in Independence, Missouri. The following are copies of four telegrams between President Harry Truman and Gen Douglas MacArthur on the day before the actual signing of the WWII Surrender Agreement in September 1945…The contents of those four telegrams below are exactly as received at the end of the war – not a word has been added or deleted! (1) Tokyo, Japan0800-September 1,1945To: President Harry S TrumanFrom: General D A MacArthur “Tomorrow, we meet with those yellow-bellied bastards and sign the Surrender Documents, any last-minute instructions?” (2) Washington, D C1300-September 1, 1945To: D A MacArthurFrom: H S Truman “Congratulations, job well done, but you must tone down your obvious dislike of the Japanese when discussing the terms of the surrender with the press, because some of your remarks are fundamentally not ‘politically correct’! “ (3) Tokyo, Japan1630-September 1, 1945To: H S TrumanFrom: D… Read More »The Origin of the Word “Political Correctness”
Generosity of Greedy Pharmaceuticals
Generosity in big pharma isn’t what’s publicized. Shown here is my rescue inhaler I’ve been using for over 30 years and has served me well, being asthmatic. But as of January 2024, it’s no longer available to me and thus I have to see my doctor to find what’ll be a suitable replacement. The reason? The manufacture who makes it has cut ties with many insurance companies. I was originally told that the reason was that they want to put more money in their pockets by forcing patients to pay 100% out of theirs, and advertise it as a cost-cutting measure. Through my own research, I found that they’ve began funding programs to provide illegal aliens adequate health care from doctors and nurses. Most of the people who I discuss with this feel that it’s human and the right thing to do. I’ve even had people tell me that I have been selfish all this… Read More »Generosity of Greedy Pharmaceuticals
According to some, you have COVID no matter what.
According to some, you have COVID no matter what. If you cut yourself shaving, drink a glass of water and if goes down the wrong pipe, trip on a sidewalk bump, snore in your sleep, get hit by a drunk-driver, or even masturbate the wrong way, you have a contagious case of COVID-19.I’ve been noticing this in my travels. I’ve been saying to people that there are only one of three reasons to wear masks and/or take COVID vaccines: paranoia, fashion or mandate (the latter being a form of blackmail). Sure enough, it turned out to all work on a mentally gullible population like the American people. I recently have endured an instance which had turned out to be prime example of this. I’ve been using a CPAP (Continuous positive airway pressure) machine for my mild sleep apnea for about a year now. In the middle of the night a couple of weeks ago, I… Read More »According to some, you have COVID no matter what.
Fact Checkers Tricks
Independent Fact Checkers, as they call themselves, do ample tricks to fool users on social media that they are doing wrong. One common trick is making users think that they can’t log in, or disguise failed access to functions as malfunction. It’s been more common for them to make things look incidental so that you won’t rebuttal or complain, as you would knowing you were disciplined. Fact-checkers themselves are just users with server-access settings of social media sites they work for. As I’ve found in my use of social media, there are no community standards set by social media companies that censor you. Elon Musk fired such people from X, being a were a waste of money. There a lot of tricks that some social media play, most commonly on the ones that censor material. I came up with it as from my own experience. Use of sites that censor become a much more pleasant… Read More »Fact Checkers Tricks
The price for the Transgender Movements
The price for the Transgender Movement has been fiscally very costly, and all in the name of pretending to be people that they’re not. All the supplies and maintenance for men’s and women’s rooms is waste. Aside from taxes, I have to pay for this through higher prices in the private businesses I patronize because fools endorse and force others to endorse all this nonsense. While it’s a fact that nobody can be a gender other than what they were born. It’s silly to stock offices and bathrooms with excess toilet paper as for maxi pads or tampons, or stock men’s rooms with maxi pads or tampons. What could those men “identifying” as women possibly do with maxi pads or tampons. Only surgeons, pharmaceutical companies and companies making women’s products profit from all this waste. Everyone else loses. The federal government enforces it, and they only lose money also. This is also causing a lot… Read More »The price for the Transgender Movements