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Sports Gambling is All in the Head

On the evening of Sunday, January 17 2021, I had posted an article on here talking about the fact that Super Bowl 55 had been all set up. I was one of those that talked about the NFL having rigged the game to make the Tampa Bay Buccaneers the first team to win a super bowl in their own stadium. The Super Bowl MVP would be Tom Brady, a personal favorite of Roger Goodell.  Officials and players have done their part to help this script to be carried out. There were videos and reports posted on line as early as week 17 when the Buccaneers had clinched a spot in postseason play. Many of which had been removed sometime after, but not after going viral. Many people had known the game would be rigged, and still proceeded to make wages on it just the same. So, I say to all the people that bet the… Read More »Sports Gambling is All in the Head

So Much Company Waste

Some Much Company Waste takes place in cooperate America, and many don’t think about it. Corporations everywhere often complain about excessive operational expenses, which is true. But do these actual corporations aggravate their own expense problems? It turns out that because of carless and unplanned measures in their practices, the major private sector is just as bad as the government in this capacity. Business and management degrees simply give company executives the ego and desire to do what they want, whether it’s good for the corporation on not. There are several forms of cooperate waste that take up more time, money, manpower, technology, paper and time. This is significant to consider when you hear talk reducing expenses, employee layoffs, paper-printing reduction, time restrictions, increases, excessive dependency on automation, etc. I have found that many corporations feel comfortable being so careless with their carelessness is because have contingency plans in which they can fall back on… Read More »So Much Company Waste

Schools not Teaching kids

Many school districts are in remote learning for students in an era where there is a lot of reason for parents not to trust them to teach their kids as it is being that material is controversial. Some students attend special education, part or full time and can’t or don’t do remote learning being some of such programs are still open, which shows of no real reason to close any school. Indeed, there are educators who don’t consider the many children to be behind from only remote learning, and it will be almost impossible to make up 6-7 days the way special ed speeds through their lessons. In school districts nationwide, thousands of educators and administrators are out on sick leave, using their sick days pointlessly. It is never a good idea, as many parents and others have found, to go remote even if teachers get their full pay while leaving thousands of students remote… Read More »Schools not Teaching kids

Rx Medicine Dispense Caution

Everyone talks of affordable medicine and having it covered. What about if you get an inhaler, or other applied medicine cartridge with no medicine? In this picture is a medicine cartridge, ordered by my ENT doctor, paid for by my insurance with a co-payment by me. I also count my pills now since I sometimes come up short. I simply use a funnel, a butter knife and three plates. You have to monitor these pharmacies like children. Overcharging for medication has been known for a long time. However, companies deliberately skipping to fill medication cartages has not. It is impossible to ensure that pharmaceutical companies are filling medications properly. These companies will say they have an inspection department or will guarantee that all their medications are filled, but we all know that that’s just talk. The term “defective cartridge” is used a lot. If you have a cartridge of medication that is not working properly… Read More »Rx Medicine Dispense Caution

Psychiatric Medications are abused

Many don’t realize that psychiatric medications are narcotic drugs just like street drugs, alcohol or nicotine. I have seen many lives ruined and have been following why it was happening. I have read up on material to understand these types of narcotics.  Yet many psychiatrists and others in the mental health field never want people to know all the facts. Some might like to write off what I say as just one person’s opinion. It’s not only because psychiatric medications don’t work for the purpose as publicized, but it’s also because they do a lot of damage to a person’s system and leave them in a condition that can’t be reversed. This is all for the sake of psychiatric and pharmaceutical industries to make their bottom line.  My grandfather was an ENT surgeon and a very good medical doctor who had also studied this as well. I have also seen friends and others, and what… Read More »Psychiatric Medications are abused

Our Vulnerable Work force

So many Americans have been buying excessively for a long time, either on credit or with money they could have put into savings. Excess is a big problem and there is little self-control over bad lifestyle habits. If you don’t like hearing of how most Americans are second-rate shoppers (which many are), then they should stop the careless shopping and waste. Some examples are: Should I mention that many other civilized countries are laughing at us. We are now a country of people who (outside of front-line workers) only want to make money, but don’t want to work for it. The economy was never very strong because its foundation was an overall weak industry. Hospitality and fashion change are never stable, plus it is a cover up for authenticity and quality and useful trade. The fact that we have so many people that have lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 lockdown is catastrophic, but… Read More »Our Vulnerable Work force

Money as the Bottom Line

We know that money is used for the “bottom line”.Money was originally intended as the form of trade forgoods and services. Along time, it has been expandedas a root to the ultimate lavish lifestyle. You would thinkthat a person with four mansions would feel awkwardknowing that so many have no home, or peoplethrowing out good food, don’t think about those goinghungry. People admit that lavish lifestyles don’t makethem happy, so they go for them anyway?Instead of “sharing the wealth”, we should all just striveto live comfortably and refrain from living in excess.Affluent people know better, yet they are too selfish toconsider others. The same could be said for well-to-dopeople living off of government assistance based onfraudulent information, scam-artists, or phony charities.If the laws were written properly, there would be so fewscams or phony charities. Right now, there are veryfew legitimate charities, certainly none at the cooperatelevel. The non-profit status no longer has socialmeaning.As a result,… Read More »Money as the Bottom Line

Little Tricks Business Play

There are little tricks businesses and governmentagencies play on people. If you know more of whatgoes on, it will leave you less confused and lessaggravated for what it’s worth. You can only do yourbest. There are lots of things that most customers arenot aware of in the practices of the companies that theyintend to do business with. Listed are the mostcommon practices all callers should be aware of. When they claim to have “high call volume”, theyhave overly low staff. Most companies have no interestin making provisions for whatever volume they mayhave. Many times, there are agents that give out a phonyname, number or use a phony accent as so you can’treport them, and tell you that it’s for security reasons. Very rarely do you get ever get disconnected, butvery often agents will hang up on you hoping you willthink that you were disconnected. Any person that answers with a greeting that endswith “please hold”… Read More »Little Tricks Business Play

How Realistic of College

The question of college or not has always been a long one. Decades ago, attending college or any academic institution continuing education had legendarily been approachedas the big avenue for successful business pursuits for developing people to be qualified in their desired quests of advance careers. But over the years, college has evolved from the proper preparation of advanced carriers solely to an avenue to becoming wealthy.One would ask “what wrong with wanting to make more money?”, while overlooking that fact that the desire to live well and prosperously is much different from thelust for greed and power, which has appeared to be what is commonly confused. As a result, colleges anduniversities have evolved into a huge money-guzzling racket to mislead students into what they should perceive as success. Scholarships formally devised for low-income families offered by these overpriced universities have become random promotions for students in private lotteries. Tuitions have soared forno other reason… Read More »How Realistic of College

Destroying a system

Destroying a system for rebuilding or remaking wasn’t ever going to be as simple as those who crave destruction want to do it think that it is. We all know that once something is gone, it’s gone for good. But too many people have too many delusions of what they think is really going on, and have a hard time understanding right from wrong.Anything existing can be fixed if it hasn’t beendestroyed, but many people are selfish and just want to abuse the law for their own greed, power and laziness. It’s especially bad that Generation Z and beyond have such a hard time recognizing things such as family, work and responsibility to begin with. It had finallybecome so evident.We don’t need specified ways for to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Yet too many people have been so narcistic to understand that there is no “official way” to peruse a happy simple life.… Read More »Destroying a system

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