COVID – Current Protests
People are suffering right now. Many of them have not been able to pay last month’s rent, and probably will not be able to pay next month’s rent either. They struggle with many bills, and many have lost their jobs.While many want to blame our corrupt anddysfunctional government, that problem is only part of it.Many Americans are not being cooperative with rules or guidelines and use the constitution as a means to resist order, not as much because they feel violated. Many don’t think to have had money saved up for an emergency, or even have had their homes properlystocked with necessities on a regular basis.The current wave of nationwide protests is not doing very much good right now. They serve to only expose the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The majority of the protesters in these protests are merely people conducting armature vigilantism feeling that they have a better way then the government. They… Read More »COVID – Current Protests