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Children who Live on Fraud

The liberal media are like children who forgo everything they ever learned in school. It’s easier for them to “make up things” than to learn things for real. This is what is known as fraud. So why do so many people still believe them despite saying that they don’t trust them.Selective hearing, selective memory and convenience are a big part of it. A lot of people feel compelled to use guesswork and hold an ego as to block off any remorse and what is easy for them. This is why our society is going in such a bad direction. Many people are in a destructive mode and a growing number of people arehelping to contribute to the decay of society. This is what makes propaganda so effective. Most levelheaded people feel that we are still human, and we can still talk and share our ideas. But others have other “ideas”.Watch a lot of these left-wing… Read More »Children who Live on Fraud

Americans Handling of COVID-19

They are going to run this COVID-19 thing into the ground. Many other countries have long moved on, but sadly, the US has not. It’s not about getting excessively worried (which the government wants you to do), especially when we follow up on the right information (which the government never wants you to do).The mask is only good for keeping little droplets away, not all the germs. When you wear a mask over both your nose and mouth, you are breathing in your own carbon-dioxide, which is bad for you. You are supposed to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.You may have heard the phrase, “in through nose, out through mouth”. If you are deprived of oxygen too long, you could damage your system. You could pass out, have heartproblems, get dizzy, or even get sick in other ways.The mask is not about health in the matter of COVID19. It’s about politics. If local doctors… Read More »Americans Handling of COVID-19

American Politics Being Ugly

Often, we mistake a person’s way of speaking,manners, bosting, image and demeanor as a cause tolabel or view him or her as dangerous, corrupt, or someother negative quality. Image is not everything, for it isbeen shown that image can be misleading. We can’tput prudence before honesty, as too many make themistake of doing. Often, we need to look at the wholepicture on everything to get a good understanding of itand the person or people involved. Common peoplemake this mistake and as a result, don’t make the bestchoices, with voting, advocacy and support being aprime example.The reason why radical movements and the mediahave so much is because they are having so muchgood demeanor, lingo, and prudence. We need goodleadership that will tell us the truth, whether we like tohear it or not, good or bad. At the same token, thereason why the left-wing liberal and the right-wingconservative movements have been overall flailing isbecause of a lack… Read More »American Politics Being Ugly

2020 US Presidential Election

Of course, it is evident to see that the 2020 US Presidential Election was rigged. I have been telling people for years that our election system is broken. Of course, many will turn a blind eye to it, for the most foolish reasons. But anyone can see all the evident reasons of how and why it was rigged and anyone who has been following it will know. One reason for the rigged election is the preconceived notions based on their dependency for 2nd hand information from media sources they criticize. Another reason would be their desire to “tear down the country”, since they are not creative enough to work to fix it.Even another reason is out of fear for radical or destructive behavior. People used to criticize organized crime back in the 1960s and 1970s for such practices, and eventually the law had condemned them. Today, organized crime is considered as practices of heroism and… Read More »2020 US Presidential Election

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