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We wonder how anyone so strong about their positions would rapidly take a “reversal” without explanation

We wonder how anyone so strong about their positions would rapidly take a “reversal” without explanation. I don’t accuse people, since I like to find out first why before labeling them a traitor.It’s vital to realize this with leadership. An Oregon Congresswoman is the latest of many good people to turn bad. It’s because of money. Like everyone else, she was offered money to speak at the DNC. A strong person is strong and resists taking bribes. But a weak person caves to take money. The best tool in making people cave in to an adverse cause is money. When mindset, behavior and social tricks don’t work, there is money (cash and money orders as to avoid leaving paper trails) – if they’re weak enough to take money.I have been offered bribes several times in my life to change my mind on something I was strong about, but I have never accepted any of them.On… Read More »We wonder how anyone so strong about their positions would rapidly take a “reversal” without explanation

The Original Difference Between Big Government and the Medical Industry

I’ve studied about the difference between government and medicine and learned to observe the patterns of it all. Physicians have goals to heal the human body whereas government has goals to mutilate it. The sole purpose of military is to defend and protect its people yet operating under the directive of its government. Regine altering wars are reflective of a bad government, not bad military. A government is good or bad based on leadership. Bad leadership (such as the Biden administration), makes power and money is the only things to fight for. Good leadership makes prosperity, freedom, capitalism and quality of life open for all of us to fight for. I used to criticize our military for endless, needless wars abroad for things that are of no concern or benefit to the US. Veterans were always defensive of it all, when in fact, I was never directly critical of our soldiers. All along I was… Read More »The Original Difference Between Big Government and the Medical Industry

The 1st Saturday after ‘‘Juneteenth’’

The 1st Saturday after ‘‘Juneteenth’’ is the official day for celebrating it. Juneteeth is to celebrate recovery from the shortest tenor of slavery in world history. While slavery has been going on since the start of mankind on to today worldwide, “Juneteeth” puts a spotlight on slavery in America’s psst and is the most formal way for uninformed liberal people to thank America for outlawing slavery.These videos are of the festival held right in my town. The stage is set for illegal aliens from Africa to put on a DJ gig as to entertain all the welfare recipients in the county I live in. It’s held on right in town to eclipse small businesses rather than in one of many parks we have and is fully paid for with federal and state tax dollars. All proceeds go towards the movement for “reparations”, which is unconstitutional. I recognized Juneteeth to be a controversial holiday that has… Read More »The 1st Saturday after ‘‘Juneteenth’’

Abortion Issues Handled Bad

So-called pro-choice advocates don’t actually believe in a woman’s right to choose, but having their way. They problem is, 1) the abortion industry is abused based on money. Planned parenthood is a corrupt organization making too much money (not including government subsidies) and targeting poor families for abortion. 2) Religion is no argument for any medical procedure. 3) The woman’s health and the life of the child need to be put before politics. 4) Roe vs Wade is a flawed case because Jane Roe lied about her whole situation. 5) Pro-choice does not mean pro-abortion, so if a woman has a right to choose, why should so many pro-abortionists interfere and be pressuring woman what to do. Continued at Why should any tax money go to paying roar someone else’s abortion. More tax money goes into paying for abortion than for all vital surgeries combined, such as cancer, organ replacement or bypass. Abortion is a… Read More »Abortion Issues Handled Bad

Theft from Food Servers and Retailers

Theft from food servers has become a big thing. While it’s convenient to pay by card, it’s also convenient for food servers to accept cards for payment. Problem is, many food servers now download apps and run customers’ cards in their own cellphones, as opposed to running it in the restaurant’s system. Wireless is never a good idea for to taking payments. The thing to know is that restaurants should have their own letterhead on all receipts and customers should always be with any server when they use your card, or call a manager. Disgruntled food servers feel otherwise, with an opinion that they should be paid more, even if they have to “take matters into their own hands” This problem is very wide spread and restaurants need to be more to secure their systems so that customers pay them and not unknowingly pay the food server personally. I have had to contact my bank… Read More »Theft from Food Servers and Retailers

The Irony of Current Law-enforcement as I Experience it

The Irony of current policing is now well discussed as with this two-tier system we have. These pictures are taken in a major train station, with a gated waiting seating area, designated for ticked customers only and cops all over the station. On one hand, I’m banned from this waiting area despite being a ticketed traveler. Often, cops ask me to show them ID anywhere in the station. One the other hand, panhandlers and solicitors flood the station. I stand around, not allowed to sit down. Sometimes cops tell me to leave the station and come back when my train arrives. This despite solicitors and panhandlers begging, smoking, taking sponge baths in the men’s room, sleeping, etc. When progressive leftists first talk about “reimagining police”, many thought they were planning to get rid of police altogether and replace them with social workers. It turns out that they just wanted to replace good cops with bad… Read More »The Irony of Current Law-enforcement as I Experience it

Some Large Corporations Don’t Have Legitimate Reasons

Some corporations have valid reasons to close locations and some don’t. Everyone knows of the chain stores who’ve rightfully moved or close stores or branches due of profit loss from shoplifters and vandals despite some communities refusing to own up to fighting extreme crime. But there are corporations that closing operations in some municipalities for selfish reasons. Wells Fargo is one example, like some business operations, deciding to make changes just for pleasure. They’ve had a good situation for a long time, until they chose to make some changes just to cause others inconvenience. Executives opted on “tentative consolidation”, as told by their customer advocacy department. It hasn’t-t gone well. My local branch (a very busy branch) and both ATMs (automatic teller machines) closed down, despite my town being a good area. The nearest two branches were both 2½ and 3 miles away. Their ATMs of them anywhere in town, now all taking out. So,… Read More »Some Large Corporations Don’t Have Legitimate Reasons

Old habits Can Make Socialism

Old habits are one of the things that makes socialism so strong. The thinking of most leftists is never conspicuous being that most times they won’t be honest about what their true feelings or motives are. But if they were open and honest about their true feelings or motives, these are examples of what the would say. “Oh well. The government pays for most of it so if you’re right I’m won’t to be any worse off than I am now. “But I think I’m right, because I’m not paying for it.” “As I see it, 2nd hand info that sounds appealing to me can’t be wrong. “I do get emotional over things that I don’t know are true.” “Being passive-aggressive is healthy. It’s a way for me to understand people whom are hard to understand.” “Nobody controls me, not matter how financially dependent I get on them. The government knows that I have my… Read More »Old habits Can Make Socialism

Woke Charities

I had found through doing personal research based on some emails that I had received that many legit organizations are taking on migrants who have illegally entered our country as clients.Here’s out it works. People enter the US illegally, mostly by way of the southern border, and sigh up for these organizations posing as US citizens and giving them unverified phony information that is spread out by way of emails, soliciting money for their cause. Actors play the roles as children for these migrants to make it look like real situations. I highly suggest not to give any money no matter how legit it looks.Many woke organizations are also carrying out projects to transport, house, feed and create fund-raising websites for these immigrants coming into the United States illegally, feeling that they are doing the humanitarian thing, when in actually fact, they are not.The common idea is that these people have nothing to their name,… Read More »Woke Charities

Thought, Discussion and Radical Thinking

Anyone who likes to insult or speak out at me forcalling out against far-left-wing radical or right-wingcauses, should know that mainstream propaganda isnever an accurate source for information. It is popularbecause it is easy, many people like to take the “easyanswer” and not bother to think about things. I find thatmany claims to be “too busy or stressed out”, when inmost cases such claims are never true. We, being busyand/or stressed out, are not the reason for most of ourdecisions for our ideological or social views.Many are either too lazy, too impatient or too shallow.They prefer guesswork to what is right and what iswrong. The use of guessing or going with what ispolitically popular often leads to bad decisions in everyphase of life. Another popular method is going onsomeone else’s already prepared data regardless ofcredibility. It takes a lot more integrity and character tousing insight and clear open-minded thinking, andsomething that many don’t like to… Read More »Thought, Discussion and Radical Thinking

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