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These nationwide riots

These nationwide riots are disheartening, yet they arenot very hard to figure out. This reckless activity wasbound to happen around here for a long time. Thesecurrent riots are under of the orchestration of vigil-antiextremist groups (which there are now many) andoutsiders participating in increasing numbers. As timegoes on, you will find that the 2020 rioting was more ofa revolt against oppression, and less about a singlehomicide which is only being used as a symbol of it.This excessive lockdown was the last straw for many.I was one of many who saw this coming. Some ofthese “peaceful protests” are egged on by the left-wingextremists wanting to overthrow the government. Theprotests were said to be initially about one incident, butas they dragged on for weeks, you could tell that theprotestors were in support of the rioting. The protestswere not hijacked, as believed. The majority of themwere a cover.Not many have to take extremism personally fromthose who blow them… Read More »These nationwide riots

The Woke Expand Without

A lot of people joining the woke and radicals’movements of the socialist left are brainwashed peoplegoing through a nasty mental phase. They can’t seethe regret they will face a year or two down the road ifthey get their way now. Collectively, we are not a verybrilliant people. Its shows. We don’t learn from othercountries who had gone down this road before us. Astime goes on, we find the spread of woke culture andsocialism grow, in a country that was said not to becreated for socialism.It is not only the money influence and deals ofprofessional exchange between corporations, whetherhonest or not honest. We see the quest to saviorcriminals for felonies, while incriminating law-bidingcitizens for doing harmless, law-biding tasks. But thatwould explain how people with weak personalities whodon’t have the tenacity to engage in honest criticalthinking or insight, that would be captivated to theradical left.The big question is: How could changes be made tomore stable situations. Why… Read More »The Woke Expand Without

The influence for Socialism

It’s a shame that little by little, even the most loyal ofpeople are changing their stance o their principlesbecause of either social pressure, blackmail or othersocialist means. Now we find to be that the best ofthings can be interpreted as bad and the worst ofthings can be interpreted as good. Often this is agimmick to suppress what the left opposes and willeven come out with lies that they disguise as the truth,or they label us as something that you are not, such asto guilt you.That’s the talk of socialists. Sadly, there are manypeople in this country that want socialism or evencommunism. And when you speak up, they will sayanything to make you feel bad for speaking your mind.People only have as much power as others give them.The next time someone labels you the wrong way, tellthem to be careful what they wish for.I don’t respect anybody that gains support bymanipulating or tricking people, and the… Read More »The influence for Socialism

Tactics in Promoting Racism

MoralAs horrible as crime is, we have to wonder just howmany of these home videos going viral are staged orfudged videos. We also have to wonder how many ofthem are scripted videos with armature actors, and weknow many of them are.For example, uniform shops where police and fireuniforms are purchased have been selling theirwardrobe and unloaded firearms to the general publichave been more accessible to criminals due to theseuseless gun-control laws through the years. I was onceinvited to partake in such a video and offered a lot ofmoney to do so, but I declined. But still, fake policevideos are not the only kind.It seems that a lot of productions are popping upeverywhere to take on people willing to play roles for avery summable amount of money. And even thougheveryone is aware of how much home videos havebecome a big business not requiring a lot of people toproduce or engineer, many may not be aware of… Read More »Tactics in Promoting Racism

Respecting the Genders

When I was growing up, it was of a fashion of somesorts for everyone to go under the premise that boysand girls would have their gender roles established inthe level supremacy, something that I never agreedwith. On one hand, guys were expected to make thefirst move at anything, and on the other hand, girlswere expected to decided what was right and what waswrong.As time went on, I had learned that both gendersalready had plenty of wonderful characteristics withoutthe need for supremacy, fashion, materialism andstereotyping to define them. Sadly, most of our societydidn’t look at it this way and thus, men and women hadto face stereotyping and pressure for what they were.This often led to negative friction amongst people thatwas never necessary to begin with. The result today isthe drive to eliminate gender identity, which is more ofa cop-out rather than a solution.They same could be said for race, sexual preference,language, and many aspects of culture… Read More »Respecting the Genders

Not all humans are intelligent

Other animals kill to defend themselves and theiryoung. We kill for ego, religion and greed. Otheranimals hunt for survival. We hunt for sport. Otheranimals play harmlessly. We play recklessly. Otheranimals understand instinct. We understandsupremacy, domination and greed. The truth is, we areinferior among other mammals.We say that humans are the world’s smartestcreatures, commonly because of our language andtechnical advancements. But that is our method ofliving. Other animals have methods of living that workfor them, and not us. Yet many people, (especiallyoverly civilized or affluent ones) will discount all thatand depict humans as supreme. Naturally, we comeout with children’s stories to play down the intellect ofwild animals as for our “delight”.If you are one of those people that consider humansare so supreme, consider this. There are animals withas long or longer life spans as us, or that withstandweather that we have to dress up for to keep warm.Many animals have stronger digestive systems thenus, and for… Read More »Not all humans are intelligent

Much of the propaganda

It is obvious that much of the propaganda that hascaptivated many people in the country is blinding themto what is really going on. What is not obvious is howselective people who are not insightful can be inrandomly choosing what is credible and what is notwithout using any insight.Many never gave anyone a chance to whomeverstands up against the deep state. You can tell by thelevel of gossip that derangement syndrome is basedon. What bothers me most is that too many are socaptivated by drama and will believe just aboutanything thrown at them if it is dramatically exciting.For example: I don’t even care about people who insultme, but that’s all they do. This being simply because Icut into their drama in the process of making my point.Every person with useless derangement syndromeneeds their drama. And so, it’s killing our society. Whylive by the truth when you can have drama to makeyour life exciting?People who believe all… Read More »Much of the propaganda

Misanthropists in Society

In my traveling’s I have observed behavior of peoplearound me. Some function in a certain way. Suchpeople are known as misanthropists. When I interactwith misanthropists, I can sense their intentions simplyfrom conversation with them. I act as basicallyinquisitive, and most of them will not sense me as athreat to what they do being that I am, by appearance,unimportant. It is safe for me when they ask me if I amlaw enforcement, the media or of other social interest. Isimply tell them “No, I am just observing” which is trueand something I rely on more than anything else.Misanthropists are common in vigil anti groups such asAntifa or Black Lives Matter. This is why they love todestroy everything. They have no regard for humanproperty or life. They’re “high” in life is other people’smisfortune. They don’t read books regularly and theyfind any basic intellect a waste of time. It commonlystems back to their upbringing or continuing education.Yet, misanthropists… Read More »Misanthropists in Society

Matters Then and Now

I can remember over the past number of years of allthe times where I got into debates with people overwrongdoing that they chose to defend. They would usetalking points that they had come up in defense of badpeople doing horrible things that they wanted to believeweren’t so bad. Such debates were in person, on socialmedia or on the phone. I would end most of thesedebates by telling them, “You will see what comes ofit.” Pretty much all of these debates were with peoplewho so-called liberals, so-called humanitarians, socalled free-thinkers, or so-called intellectuals.Nowadays, I notice that all these people who used todebate/argue with me on my talking points have beenchanging theirs. Now the talking points that they hadopposed me for making are talking points that theycarry out themselves if they don’t lose their minds first.Now they oppose the same problems about things (as Ido) as though if it was all something new. As theysound like me,… Read More »Matters Then and Now

Importance of Upbringing

Most kids today are taught the wrong thing. Somewould respond with the concept that some things areworse than our day while some are better. That is notalways true. I will use me and my ex-girlfriend asexamples.My ex-grind and I were together for 4 years, and withplans to marry her, I proposed to her and sheaccepted. A few months later she became pregnant. Aweek or so later a therapist convinced her break upwith me and move on. I took a blood test and yes, I amthe father. When the child was born, my ex-girlfriendand I had made plans on care for her on the premisethat ever child needs a mother and father.We spent a lot of time with her and among other things,made certain not to involve her in our own issues orhang-ups. Over the years, we taught her respect,looked after her health and guided her to have goodmorals. She is now 16 and is blossoming… Read More »Importance of Upbringing

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