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Fixing Law-enforcement

Those who call to defund the police, don’t stop to thinkabout what a bad idea it really is to do so. What wouldbe much better is to fix the police, and yes, there is alot of fixing to do. But it is more than just revisedtraining. There are several things that can be done tofix law-enforcement systems.Police need to work carefully on recruitment. Not onlydoes character need to be considered, but also whypeople join the force. Previously, more men andwomen have been joining for just the benefits, glorifiedadvertising, or to gain supreme respect. As a result, thebadge and the gun have given many recruits an ego.Prestige, courage and toughness are much moreimportant.Disregard frivolous 911 callers. There should be moreemphasis on calls for real emergencies, not forconstitutional violations or emotional melt-downs.Police are for the purpose of protecting lives andproperty, not for anger-management issues. Someexamples of frivolous 911 calls are:a) “My pizza delivery never came.”b) “I hate… Read More »Fixing Law-enforcement

Evolvement of Proselytizing

A big problem going on in our society nowadays hasbeen brewing for some time, yet is evolving in differentways. I am speaking of proselytizing, which is an oldpractice of trying to sway people to think or feel acertain way so that they will believe that the truth thesame way the people proselytizing do. It can bewrongful and deceitful, yet very popular. The commonterm for proselytizing is con-artistry.Proselytizing is as popular as it is because it is muchmore convenient then developing acceptance in others,in learning new things, or in learning to practice thetruth and understanding reality as so to live life smarterand more efficiently. In essence, proselytizing is acheap method of substituting the truth with fictionalversions of the truth that are convenient and casuallyunchallenging to those who are totally uninterested inlearning, growing and becoming well-rounded, thuslearning to live and let live.Religious proselytizing is one form of proselytizing, anda very old practice to boot, but it’s not… Read More »Evolvement of Proselytizing

COVID Vaccine and Mask Issues

Despite registering, my state kept refusing to give methe vaccine earlier in the year based on my underlyingcause (which put me in the 1C priory period). Mycounty also would not let me get it. I had contractedCOVID pneumonia soon after, and then had been toldby my doctor to wait three months before asking for itagain. All this made me believe that I would be pusheda few months to wait to take it. Now suddenly, I amreceiving pressure to take it. All this made me wonderwhy this was happening. Why do you still have to wearmasks even after taking the vaccine? Why do commonpeople force to take the vaccine, but the rich and thenon-citizens have a choice? And so. I did someresearch, like people should do instead of making otherpeople do it for them.What’s happening now is that hospitals and doctors aremandated to refuse medical care to people unless theytake the vaccine. For example, if you… Read More »COVID Vaccine and Mask Issues

Changing Accounts of History

A lot of people (now more than ever) are drilling peopleto provide “evidence” for things they talk about,whether because they are closed-minded or becauseour society has lost so much credibility due to the overabundance of hearsay and phony claims which areoften backed up by fraudulent sources.Being alive for more than a half a century is more thanenough time for anyone to notice the inconsistencies ofevents and accounts to happenings in our lives, as wellas how they are told and kept. I’ve certainly havenoticed the change in information of things I’veexperienced or read about, as I’m sure others my agehas. The stories change with the internet and dialoguesstored electronically. Many stories have been changesfrom what they originally or new ones have beenformulated to be accepting in the popular mainstream.The movie industry is a big culprit. Many biographiesand documentaries are screenplays written to omit andchange facts they are said to depict. Keep in mind that“Based on a… Read More »Changing Accounts of History

American Thinking

Many members of Generation Z and of radical leftist thinking are a bad judge of people and have no idea for any solution that they condemn. Only a small few of them have any sense. Such of these young people (as I quote from others) “have attention spans the size of a pea”. They have not taken the time to look into matters, and yet persist on trying to carry themselves as that they know more or have solutions.Some don’t like politics, but just the drama. Some don’t know the difference. Yet if they are to critique others, they don’t have any suggested solution themselves. What do they do? Well, of course, bring out the insults of no substances, guilt trips and word twisting. When I go through expressing myself, it’s what I get. But why don’t I just throw back some insults at others more? It’s not because I am trying to be a… Read More »American Thinking

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