Leadership in our society
Overall leadership in our society has gone bad. Youcan see why when you look at left-wing extremists andright-wing extremists, and how delusional many ofthem are. Independents and moderates like myself arestereotyped with having no position, (something thatcouldn’t be further from the truth) because the standardis to be one side or the other. “Agree to disagree” isjust another useless cliché in this sense, while yourinput is restricted and drowned out in many cases.This is a reflection of a two-party system where wewould benefit more from a three or four-party systemmore suited to support a good checks-and-balancessystem. It would also be better to put more emphasison the candidates/elected officials rather than theparty, something that would make it easier for goodleaders to hold their convictions and not cave to theirparty.The corporate media (where there is amplecompetition) overall supports government corruption. Itdoesn’t have to be this way, but it’s a growing culture inAmerican media. Corporate network news is a… Read More »Leadership in our society