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11 years since my younger brother had died in motorcycle crash

It was 11 years ago on this day (October 2nd) that my younger brother Jeff had died in a motorcycle crash in Boston, Massachusetts when he was only 35. What’s worse to go along with the loss of his life, was that his legacy was tarnished by people who had lied about him before and after he died. It was extra painful for me since Jeff and I had become very close in his final 10 years. Jeff was one of 2 children that my 2nd cousin (my father’s cousin’s adapted daughter) had during her marriage to my father (his 2nd wife). She had a bitter divorce with my father 20 years prior to my brother’s death. She never recovered from her divorce, and has since applied all her anger on me for her own “healing” reasons. This included botching all of Jeff final affairs.To emphasize on my younger brother’s death, the motorcycle he died… Read More »11 years since my younger brother had died in motorcycle crash

In 2022, I sent a letter to Factbook

In 2022, I sent a letter to Factbook ‘’help center’’ and emailed it to their board. In response to their censorship. I now sent the same letter to MeWe, after MeWe deleted my 1st account there, prompting me to reopen the same account with new info.As with Facebook, I clarified to MeWe that I always check my work and sources and stand behind all I say, only editing for grammar and spelling, never politically correct. I resent censorship, “fact-checkers” and other frivolous discipline. I gave MeWe the sane warning I gave Facebook; Them terminating, my access to my account with them will be for the last time, if they dare. There are other good platforms, and my own website here. I plan to address Frank-Social the same way.I’ve figured out all the tricks and games that censorship platforms like Facebook, MeWe and Frank-Social play, so there is no need for guesses or accusations. Free-speech platforms… Read More »In 2022, I sent a letter to Factbook

World Trade Center Bombing

The following passage was written with no regard toreligion, ideology or politics. It is all true.I was at the World Trade Center on the morning ofSeptember 11th, 2001, being on my way to a jobinterview. My interview was scheduled to be at #7World Trade Center (a side building). I was early andchose to get a bite to eat, and so I would cross ChurchStreet from the complex where the towers werelocated. It was then, I smelled the deep smell ofdynamite that they use in city buildings to take down,and heard heavy rumbling inside the buildings, evenbefore the planes came. When I first saw the planesthat hit the buildings up high, I had firstly alleged themto be rescue planes that were off course, but later onfound that they were used as diversions for somereason.Like thousands of people around me. I was veryscared. I was among a crowd of people running,although running with a crowd was not… Read More »World Trade Center Bombing

Trump having COVID-19

The news of Donald Trump is extremely sad and Ihope he recovers well. The same goes for his wifeMelania. I am not just saying this because he is thepresident and this has nothing to do with ideology, for Iam an independent.Any person that wishes Trump or anyone else to bedead or sick is showing their true colors as theshithead that they really are, and so we have a lot ofshitheads in this country. This is showing why thiscountry is divided to begin with: Shitheads, and plentyof them. By the way, when was the last time leftistmillionaires like Nancy Pelosi and Don Lemon havebeen tested? It turns out that the following are somefamous names of people who wish the presidentdeclining health or even death, claiming that hedeserves it. They go one encouraging their followers todo the same. I figured that I would post only some ofthe most famous of these disgraceful people’s names:Nancy PelosiJoe ScarboroughChris CuomoSteve… Read More »Trump having COVID-19

To my Late Friends and Family

As I move on in life being in my fifties, I would like toreflect back at the many close friends and relatives thatI used to have that I had for the years that had carriedme throughout my life. Music bandmates, sportsteammates, co-workers, roommates, hand-out buddiesand most certainly family that I had spent a lot of timewith and had a lot of good times with. They were goodcompany, honest hardworking, non-materialistic friendsthat each I have had for periods of twenty years ormore. Some are still living and some sadly aredeceased.To those good friends of mine who are no longer alive,I want to show how much I remember them and not letthem totally disappear in vain by listing them here as away to show that they will always be in my heart.These people made me feel loved and I miss themdearly.Bill Farlow Jeffery GoldwasserJohn Perkinson Jenifer RomanoFreddie Lohman Patty WinnKyle Ford Joe TornilloKeith Kanakis Richard MartinoAlan Elliot… Read More »To my Late Friends and Family

These nationwide riots

These nationwide riots are disheartening, yet they arenot very hard to figure out. This reckless activity wasbound to happen around here for a long time. Thesecurrent riots are under of the orchestration of vigil-antiextremist groups (which there are now many) andoutsiders participating in increasing numbers. As timegoes on, you will find that the 2020 rioting was more ofa revolt against oppression, and less about a singlehomicide which is only being used as a symbol of it.This excessive lockdown was the last straw for many.I was one of many who saw this coming. Some ofthese “peaceful protests” are egged on by the left-wingextremists wanting to overthrow the government. Theprotests were said to be initially about one incident, butas they dragged on for weeks, you could tell that theprotestors were in support of the rioting. The protestswere not hijacked, as believed. The majority of themwere a cover.Not many have to take extremism personally fromthose who blow them… Read More »These nationwide riots

The Threat of Socialism in the US

It’s an absolute disgrace that we now have our firstpresident in Joe Biden, who lost both the electoral andpopular vote. The election process is now more thanlikely confirmed to be done for all time. No more freeand fair elections. Even if we were to have a third orfourth party (which we should have had a long timeago), it won’t do much good now unless the systemgets a serious and practical rehabilitation.This is what happens when Americans have taken solong to wake up and smell the coffee. This just didn’t allhappen in 2020. The virus may have made things moreconspicuous, but these problems have been brewingfor years and people had turned a blind eye to it all. Idon’t blame people for being scared; I myself amscared. But we should have all be scared fifteen yearsago and take action then. I am especially referring to allthe people who had previously insulted or made fun ofme with no… Read More »The Threat of Socialism in the US

The Poison of 2nd Hand Information

When I was 10 years old (back in 1974), my fathermarried his cousin’s adapted daughter and for the 1st 8 years of the marriage (his 2nd, her 1 st) they had a lot ofproblems. They blamed everything on me whensomething went wrong with them. According to whatthey had everyone thinking, I had done such terriblethings such as setting a dog on fire, poisoning a child,throwing another dog out a window, pouring a gallon ofsoap into a coffee machine, covering my father’s facewhile he was driving, continuously stealing money andjewelry from him and his wife, and other terrible things.Of course, all these were tales of which they told wereas to cover up their real incidents. None were everproven to be true, and some were found not to be.Then came 1984, when they kicked me out of theirhouse, and I was homeless for a few months before Imoved to NJ. My father and my cousin (his then… Read More »The Poison of 2nd Hand Information

Some system we have

Some system we have. Two-men get tried together in amurder case as co-defendants with the same lawyerand for the same crime. This results as s a sentence of25 years to life. One man gets released after 28 yearsfor good behavior, while the other gets released after47 years because his lawyer fought from day 1 to havehis conviction overturned and have him released. Theman who is released on good behavior has apermanent record of murder while his co-defendantfriend has his felony record permanently expunged. Atthis point, nobody knows the credibility of the originalcase, and punishment has officially been given. Thishappens all the time nowadays.Either way this case is, the courts have failed againThere is becoming less justice as law-enforcement isbecoming more and more spotty. This is for tworeasons. Police are doing things too much at randomor abusing their power in other ways. Also, civiliansabuse the use of calling the police to handle frivolousaffairs that are less… Read More »Some system we have

Social Media Platforms

Social media like twitter, FB and Instagram aresupposed to be neutral platforms, not publishers. For along time, they have received the legal protection ofneutral platforms, but if they abuse their platforms, theycan partly or totally lose such protections and have toface the liabilities of what publisher’s face. The case onpotential removal of such legal immunity for socialmedia sites have been a hot topic for some time. It wasperceived as a presidential issue for his posts, but thatis wrong. This has been coming for some time. Hisposts being flagged were simply the “last straw”.Too many other people have had their posts flagged orremoved excessively. Blocking and deletion of postsand tweets is only supposed to be if someone’s life orproperty is in danger, not for people’s emotionalmeltdowns or anger of spoken opinions or claims.However, big social media has taking it too far for theirown partial narratives. Many users don’t think that theirbehavior is a reflection of their… Read More »Social Media Platforms

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