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As Phases and Trends Develop

As time went on, guitar players, I had accumulated a surplus supply of guitar accessories that I never used, wanted or needed. One such example is something called a capo. A capo (short for capodastro or capotasto, Italian for cape) is an accessory used on the fretboard of a stringed instrument (such as guitar in my case) to the playable length of the strings thus raising the pitch. I personally consider it garbage. Several years ago, I had accumulated several of them given to me by people over the years, and instead of throwing them away, I thought to put them in a bag and give them to my daughter, which I did. When I called her over and told her what they were and that they were hers, she put one in her hair and said to me “Thank you, Daddy”. She was always a big lover of hair clips such as banana clips.… Read More »As Phases and Trends Develop

A City for Today’s New Yorkers

Independent statistics also show violent crime occurs every 3 hours on New York City streets, on average. Such statistics also show violent crime occurs every 4 hours on NYC subways, on average. They also show a violent crime occurs every 8 hours in NYC parks and playgrounds, on average. This is the worst and longest crime wave in NYC history. Keep in mind that these are based only on crimes reported. There are more and more unreported crimes that end up being unresolved as such. The same could be said for all the many people dying from the rising homicide wave in NYC that is not declining, and for that and other reasons, many crimes never get solved. As shameful as it sounds, it will continue, because of the support New Yorkers have for these criminals. The vast majority of the city, including straphangers and vendors, have worked very hard over the years to make… Read More »A City for Today’s New Yorkers

The Integrity of America

It’s not like I would want to be condescending and play down my fellow Americans. Goodness knows that I am not any type of scholar. I have worked hard in school and as was raised to use the head on my shoulders to my best ability. But let’s be downright honest. Collectively, Americans are not the brightest people in the world, at least in modern times.For example, Caryn Johnson (aka Whoopi Goldberg) is simply another leftist-socialist who has lost her mind. You can tell by how she makes up things as she talks. She went from being a talented actress to a delusional talk show panelist. I have seen her talk on The View and her style of improvised thought is much like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. AOC herself is an emotionally disturbed 10-year-old girl in a 32-year-old women’s body. Americans would idolize and give popularity, power and credentials to people like this.This is supposed to be… Read More »The Integrity of America

Well-Earned Awards

The picture shown below is of a shelf full of trophiesand awards in sports, music and theater that I had wonor earned for my achievements and accomplishments.I am showing this picture of them, not to blow my hornor try to win over respect or admiration, but to make avery important point. Like with many in my time, I had worked very hard foreverything that I did. I worked hard to become a goodguitar player and singer. I practiced very hard in insports to be a good athlete. I prepared vigorously for allthe plays I had performed in. And when it came toacademics, I had followed my grandfather’s advice,when he said to me, “Kenny, don’t be afraid to worktwice as hard as the next student if that what you needto do to get to the same distance”.I had never used my legal-blindness or learningdisability as a crutch or excuse for advantage overothers. I would never have… Read More »Well-Earned Awards

We Saw This Coming

I remember when years ago, back as early as the1990s on, I used to notice certain things happeningaround me and so I would question the consequencesof them Back then, most people would respond bytelling me that I was simply being negative and that itwas all in my mind. Other people would agree with mebut console me but either telling me that it was all inGod’s hands or in the hands of Karma. Either way, thatthere was nothing to change the fate of what happens.Back then, most people where very confident that theUnited States was the greatest, strongest, richest, andmost flawless country in the world and that Americanswere superior to people around the world. They wouldshame me for disagreeing with those notions andspeaking up about wanting to resolve things. I for one,was always humble in my ways and knew that manywere turning a blind eye to issues that needed to beaddressed. I had always operated on… Read More »We Saw This Coming

Warm weather body care

I, for one, have the common sense to only use airconditioning at the proper levels for hot weather on arationed basis and not for the primary sake ofcelebrating summer, thus not wasting energy andrisking colds, fever and virus.Air conditioning does not take the place of goodcommon-sense body maintenance for hot weatherincluding: Drinking plenty of cold liquids, especially water. Shining a working fan on yourself at all timespossible. Showering twice daily or at least once daily. Refraining from eating hot foods more than ½ adozen times each week. Not relying on corporate weather forecasts. Theseforecasts are bogus and are designed to keep youto “stay tuned”. There is commonly no technologyfor finding future weather further than 72 hoursfuturistic of the current moment that networks wouldspend the immense amount of money on, beingthat such technology would be enormously costlyfor them.With this practice, most can enjoy the comfort of an airconditioner only when really needed, without an electricbill that… Read More »Warm weather body care

Television’s Influence on Fashion

All know that television had been originally devised asa form of bringing events and entertainment intopeople’s homes. In the golden age of TV, we had seengreat entertainment and honest reporting, and truecompetition in sports and other socially contestableevents.However, as time went on, TV became weaponized forto turn fiction into fact, mix the two so people have ahard time telling the difference. Today, very little on TVhas deep validity and thus, many uses make believe astheir substance. Good ideas come from watching TVand of course, bad ones too. TV has contributed to theswelling of our very wasteful and misleading fashionindustry.At one time, the purpose of “putting people throughmake-up” before they appear on the set is to makethem look presentable, as if they weren’t. As time wenton, the method turned out to be nothing more then aform of censorship. Make-up departments themselvesin TV stations and movie studios have become a lie forthe most part, dehumanizing people into… Read More »Television’s Influence on Fashion

Stereotyping Supremacy

White privilege is a myth, and there is no such thing aswhite privilege. While it is more then true thathistorically white people have wronged many otherpeople in many ways, it is not justified or realistic tomistreat or retaliate white people for the bad deeds,actions or crimes of their ancestors, thought it mayserve as therapeutic short term. Such as would be thecase if the tables were turned.There is a doubled-standard involved with rebellingagainst people based on the history of America and atthe same time, trying to capitalize on it to an individualadvantage of unreasonable proportions.In the same instance, white supremacy is also a myth,as there is no such thing as supremacy. Nobody hassupremacy over someone else. It’s a lot better to judgepeople on actions or disposition rather then what theyare. We should be able to discuss culture, race andethnicity as leisurely observation and inquisition andnot have to defend it as abrasive language or “becareful what we… Read More »Stereotyping Supremacy

Real Talent and real skill

Whenever you’re feeling unsure of yourself and yourabilities, remember this. Real skilled workers makeobjects work well. Real musicians make objects soundgood and real visual artists make objects look good.For that, all artistic talent should never be discouraged,or depicted as raw talent if it isn’t.We can feel good about our own talents if we actuallydeveloped them than to try to deceive others intobelieving them with counterfeit performances or boguscreations of work. Technology has aggravated thispractice of bogus talent, although there have beenother methods.Often people who display bogus talent do so becauseeither they don’t want to work or learn to do somethingwell, or perhaps they don’t feel good about themselvesand think that things will get better if only other peoplethink they are great. Many people watch performancesand exhibits out of envy, rather inspiration andentertainment.They say that life is what you make it, which is partiallytrue. We don’t have full control of where life takes us.My grandmother had… Read More »Real Talent and real skill

Our Country Revealed

It was only a matter of time before matters in oursociety and our culture would be revealed. Many havetalked of having a beautiful country and all thewonderful things that go with it, and how it could allwork well “if only…”. That is the key phrase here: “ifonly”. Such people are right about what potential therecould be to many opportunities to indulge in awonderful country. However, over the years we havefound many of our goals of attaining the mission for“life liberty and the pursuit of hopelessness” to beobstructed by many man-made issues.Such issues continue to be major sources of stuntingadvances for social and vocational development.Finally, we know why. It’s how we handle our matters,or how we fail to do so properly. I for one, have cometo learn that things are much better when we go on thepremise that we should never go through life withanything unresolved, and we should always learn fromour mistakes.But America is not… Read More »Our Country Revealed

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