Whenever you’re feeling unsure of yourself and your
abilities, remember this. Real skilled workers make
objects work well. Real musicians make objects sound
good and real visual artists make objects look good.
For that, all artistic talent should never be discouraged,
or depicted as raw talent if it isn’t.
We can feel good about our own talents if we actually
developed them than to try to deceive others into
believing them with counterfeit performances or bogus
creations of work. Technology has aggravated this
practice of bogus talent, although there have been
other methods.
Often people who display bogus talent do so because
either they don’t want to work or learn to do something
well, or perhaps they don’t feel good about themselves
and think that things will get better if only other people
think they are great. Many people watch performances
and exhibits out of envy, rather inspiration and
They say that life is what you make it, which is partially
true. We don’t have full control of where life takes us.
My grandmother had told me “If you don’t try, you don’t
have a chance. But if you do try, you have a shot.”
When we become good at something, nobody can take
that away from us, and we don’t have to pretend and
worry if “the gig is up”.