Some system we have. Two-men get tried together in a
murder case as co-defendants with the same lawyer
and for the same crime. This results as s a sentence of
25 years to life. One man gets released after 28 years
for good behavior, while the other gets released after
47 years because his lawyer fought from day 1 to have
his conviction overturned and have him released. The
man who is released on good behavior has a
permanent record of murder while his co-defendant
friend has his felony record permanently expunged. At
this point, nobody knows the credibility of the original
case, and punishment has officially been given. This
happens all the time nowadays.
Either way this case is, the courts have failed again
There is becoming less justice as law-enforcement is
becoming more and more spotty. This is for two
reasons. Police are doing things too much at random
or abusing their power in other ways. Also, civilians
abuse the use of calling the police to handle frivolous
affairs that are less then crimes. The result is a broken
system that benefits real criminals the most. The
prison system is becoming more of a turnstile for
incarceration so the people running it don’t see inmates
as people but more so as wild animals, the government
is slowly giving up on enforcing criminal law properly, if
at all.
Members are law-enforcement need to understand that
the best way to get respect and recognition for their
work and its conditions is to be what I like to call
“disposition bilinguals”, meaning to blend in the
language of the law with the language of common
sense and street smarts. It used to be like this before
police on all levels had developed more of a hunger for
respect. Hiring practices based on identity politics had
made recruitment more questionable.
Plea-bargaining, politics, money and social
connections also have played too much of a role to the
point where there is no more justice.