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The Original Difference Between Big Government and the Medical Industry

I’ve studied about the difference between government and medicine and learned to observe the patterns of it all. Physicians have goals to heal the human body whereas government has goals to mutilate it. The sole purpose of military is to defend and protect its people yet operating under the directive of its government.

Regine altering wars are reflective of a bad government, not bad military. A government is good or bad based on leadership. Bad leadership (such as the Biden administration), makes power and money is the only things to fight for. Good leadership makes prosperity, freedom, capitalism and quality of life open for all of us to fight for.

I used to criticize our military for endless, needless wars abroad for things that are of no concern or benefit to the US. Veterans were always defensive of it all, when in fact, I was never directly critical of our soldiers. All along I was critical of our government, which I have a right to be. For a long time, I just didn’t successfully find a way to articulate this.

I don’t fault colonels, majors, captains, lieutenants and certainly not enlisted. Soldiers just follow orders.  I fault the White House and Pentagon for war. They see war as a game. Everyone involved in the military industrial complex should look for another trade.

I still hate war. Our government should never use our military for anything but the protection of American citizens. It’s bad enough that our soldiers die, but even worse when reality sets in that they won’t be alive to protect us when we really need them, and there are those times.

In addition to fighting pointless wars, American puts itself in the position of being the “world’s policemen”. Many bad things come as a result. Other countries relax or eliminate their military budget and depend on us to fight their battles. We get ourselves into affairs that get us in trouble around the world, making us an eventual target for the crimes of other nations. This affects our trade, travel, and finances all around the world.

Too many Americans or every ideology have been naïve to this for too long and really believe that everything the government tells them is true. Being naïve makes the government feel good about lying to you. Nowadays, nothing shocks me about what the government does, since critical thinkers like me have been so disrespected for a long time. Bad things that used to happen to me or happening to everyone else I know. This is why when someone insults me today, I see it as something they are not prepared for. The cliché “conspiracy theory” is nothing more than a cliché used to shame people for their claims. It also shows that they still trust our corrupt government. Many people still believe that our government is 100% pure and honest, and thus, the left still have millions and millions of supporters. I deal with them every day. Many people even believe that people in general deserve to die, and that “war keeps man pure”. This is not about conflicting opinion, but Moreso about people who really believe in corruption.


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