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The People’s Government

Some people say that they don’t vote or don’t want to talk politics. Other people say that they don’t want to get involved or that everything is fine. When such people find out that they are wrong, they make excuses and claim the problem as a natural cause.

This is why our government has gone so bad. This supposed to be the people’s government. Much like a machine, we need to maintain it properly. Everyone has potential to exercise their own different ways of helping, contributing, to getting involved. Getting involved does not mean you have to give up your whole life. If American soldiers could go put their lives on the line for our democracy (whether a war was for our benefit or not), the rest of us could very easily vote, advocate, attend meetings, become a honest politician or even just write letters and make phone calls.

Our country’s problems are what happens when people turn a blind eye on their government and don’t bother to get involved. There are people, such as those in countries like China or Cuba, where the common citizens don’t get to run their government. If the common Chinese person had what we have, they would utilize it a lot better than we do.

Over twenty years ago, we could answer all this. Now we can’t. Too much irreversible and preventable damage has taken place, and so we have lost much of our say. With our schools no longer educating, our constitution no longer followed and our borders no longer guarded, our lives have changed for the worse. For so long, we have taken our society for granted. Like they say “use it or lose it”. If we were categorically the greatest country in the world, why aren’t we maintaining what could have been a good thing.

We depict problems of the whole world as a way of not focusing on our own country. This is part of the problem. Every time we have a responsibility or issue to address, we turn to think about the world. We should be focused on our own country. A global economy is not possible, and being the world’s policeman has costed us.

It’s just a shame that too many Americans still persist on turn a blind eye to getting involve, and then wonder why the American government is so corrupt. At some point before the election system had become rigged, corrupt politicians found their way into office, and the rest was history.

Ideology is not what matters in individuals, as long as they are patriotic to their country. Sadly, the current liberal ideology has been converted to one as socialist bound. Many progressives are founding out the hard way that progressivism never works in a capitalist society

The scariest thing about why we are in jeopardy of a national collapse is the serious lack of pushback. People cave too much to those that hate the US and as a result, the left gets stronger and stronger. The news always reports that the majority of Americans are not happy with the direction the country is going right now, but we all know that is not true. More and more people support the left and giving up on our current lifestyle, and cancel culture is rapidly being accepted as the norm.


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