It is possible that there a reason for this post,
such as that this could be coming to NYC, with all the crime and lounging on the NYC subway. American companies have a recent history of collecting ideas from abroad.
This is just an example of things that companies have been, are and will be adapting in the United States. It started with surveillance, technology, law enforcement,
partisan media, censorship and propaganda. But now it is also moving to bogus projects like “the Green New Deal”
“Social Justice”
“Methods in foreign finance dependency and globalism”
If people are worried about the United States going socialist, that’s because gradually it is a real possibility, and we will have a difficult time stopping it now unless enough American wake up. Sadly, it looks as if COLLECTIVELY, Americans are not the brightest people in the world, especially the young adults.
We have ignored or turned a blind eye to the signs of it for so long and now that Americans are finally waking up to it all, it just might be too late. The support for the crime is by criminals themselves, who have in effect, taking over our government and leadership. It isn’t a matter of politics.
It is true that capitalism is the source of success, communism is the source of restraint, and socialism is the source of bad transition. However, the big mistake we have made is giving the world access to our capitalistic system, all in the name of globalism, and so
we are paying the price. The original reason for
supporting globalism is the assumed premise that we would be helping those less fortunate than ourselves, and thus making the world a better place. In effect, we ignore the fact that many countries would not allow this to happen and were a stronger test of wills then we have ever been. If we were smart, we would have
focused on our own “neck of the woods” and simply have taken care of our own people.
Many of these local socialist “liberals” don’t think about the fact that no matter how rich they become, there is still the possibility that they could end up suffering the same bad fate as many middle or poor Americans.
When a country gets taken over by a one-party
government and turns socialist, many well-to-do people end up getting left out of the benefits, and not by a matter of ideology.
If the United States were to survive this threat of
socialism and survive all the damage done by all the crime committed by our current leadership, people will remember all the people who had damaged their lives.
Sometimes karma does not kick in, and sometimes it does.