The following passage was written with no regard to
religion, ideology or politics. It is all true.
I was at the World Trade Center on the morning of
September 11th, 2001, being on my way to a job
interview. My interview was scheduled to be at #7
World Trade Center (a side building). I was early and
chose to get a bite to eat, and so I would cross Church
Street from the complex where the towers were
located. It was then, I smelled the deep smell of
dynamite that they use in city buildings to take down,
and heard heavy rumbling inside the buildings, even
before the planes came. When I first saw the planes
that hit the buildings up high, I had firstly alleged them
to be rescue planes that were off course, but later on
found that they were used as diversions for some
Like thousands of people around me. I was very
scared. I was among a crowd of people running,
although running with a crowd was not very easy with
some of us were even trampling over each other at
times. As the towers were both pancaking down from
the demolition, white dust was everywhere, and
nobody could avoid breathing it in. I didn’t hear any
sirens or rescue vehicles until I got to the Brooklyn
If damage from the planes was the cause of collapse of
these buildings, both buildings would pile down around
a ten-block or more radius. Thus, many more people
would have been killed, including yours truly. Instead,
virtually all the people who were killed were people
who did not successfully get out of the buildings,
including a few who desperately jumped out of
windows. That is why crews were later on searching for
bodies in the rubble, but nowhere else.
In not being able to get back to New Jersey for about a
month after, I stayed with my then-girlfriend at her
sister’s apartment in Queens. For the next few months,
my throat was hurting from breathing in all that nasty
white dust on the day the WTC towers (buildings) came
down. As time went on, my hurting throat would be
accompanied by a heavy constant headache which
lead to me being hospitalized five months later, where I
was then diagnosed with cancer in my thyroid. The
result would be me to undergo surgery to remove my
entire thyroid, in the summer of 2002. Fortunately, the
surgery was done in time so that the cancer did not
spread further, leaving me as a cancer survivor.
Of course, the trauma and physical damage of the
ordeal in September 11th, 2001 wasn’t enough. I later
on would be surround by the twisted story of
September 11th being publicized as “a terrorist
bombing by foreign enemies, with American front-line
crew rapidly coming to the rescue”. The media really
had a field day with putting on a patriotic story for the
sake of being newsworthy, disregarding the pain it
would bring to people who were really there or their
families. Even a movie was made to make a lot of
money with such dramatized influence that people
would close their minds in being influenced thy this. I
saw the movie and was disgusted at how they could
twist a true story into such imagination. Memorials
were made on this false information.
Many experts at that time had said that then the
Government contracted a demolition crew for the World
Trade Towers to advocate public fear as to gain
support for the military in fighting all those regimechange wars. There were reports then that the planes
in NYC were flown by government pilots and that the
pictures of the so-called terrorists were old pictures of
earlier deported people. The WTC site was not fenced
off for demolition because it was planned to be this
way. I had read at that time that there was no actually
plane at the pentagon and people I have spoken to that
lived in that area have confirmed it. (People who were
against a phony plane site being constructed there as a
memorial). The plane crash in Western Pennsylvania
was not related, yet they chose to associate it by
rewriting the 911 story.
Many Americans enjoy the phrase “conspiracy theory”
as a means to shame people like me who speak up. To
add insult to injury, I keep having to face every year of
people saying “we will never forget”, but never forget
what? Training their minds for the popular story? Many
have even taken the popular story so far, that they
desire to feel part of it by saying that they were there,
whether they were or not.
The irony of it all is the fact that most people want to
believe a media and a government that today they no
longer trust. This is a good indication that even though
individually some people are smarter than others,
collectively as a country, we are not very bright. People
are today doing the same destruction that for years we
criticized the government for doing. If we were a clearminded people, we would all know that the best we to
save our country is to fix things, not destroy them. If we
want people to trust our history books today, then we
must not keep rewriting them.